Dark Soul Torment by EsK

I lie awake at night, body broken, mind tired
Alert, every cell awake, aching, not relenting
My mind wanting to wander, not finding the path
Not finding the answer to what it seeks
Redemption, absolution, incarceration
All equally viable, available but unreachable
What form would I accept, what form would accept me
All options terrible, and all afraid of me
As my darkness poisons the essence, life is dimmed
I feel elated, that my suffering is spreading
I am spreading, pouring myself into the world
With a smile and accepting love and adoration as payment
From people I never cared for, nor ever will
Unable to push them away, their stench of love infecting me
And our tussle continues, which path to take
Which hell to embrace

~ by Amena Kamaal on September 28, 2019.

One Response to “Dark Soul Torment by EsK”

  1. Surprised at such infrequent updates

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